Dear Karnataka State Government Job aspirants, the Kerala PSC Accounts Officer Admit Card 2020 download facility is provided by the corresponding authorities. Even the aspirants may obtain the KPSC Accounts Officer Exam Date 2020 that is also known as the KPSC AE Hall Ticket 2020 download facility is provided at The people who got registered to compete for the Assistant Engineer and Radio Grapher Grade II openings in Karnataka may also obtain the exam dates of the corresponding openings.
According to KPSC Karnataka there will be a written test followed by personnel Interview that will be conducted for the people registered for the positions under the category. It is to be remembered by the aspirants that they need to submit the details of application registration number and date of birth etc. in the columns provided for the Karnataka PSC Exam Admit Card 2020 PDF free download facility. Other important thing to be remembered by the aspirants is that they need to show the KPSC Exam Admit Card 2020 that is downloaded from the official website, only. Because the Admit Card that is downloaded from any other websites may not be accepted by the authorities of the KPSC to take the exam.
Details of KPSC Exams 2020
The state government of Kerala has established the Public Service Commission known as the Kerala PSC. The Objective behind the establishment of Kerala PSC is to announce recruitment notifications regarding the vacancies of different categories and cadres in the state. The Kerala PSC authorities will design the exam syllabus and pattern along with the eligibility details for different categories and cadres of government Jobs in the state.
Recently the Kerala PSC has announced to fill a total of around 184 AE cadre openings. Along with the said openings, a huge number of Grade II Radio Grapher and Accounts Officer careers are also going to be recruited through written test, physical efficiency test and Interview etc. According to sources, the Kerala PSC is expected to announce the tentative date of exam to fill the said vacancies.
The people who got registered to compete for the Assistant Engineer, Pharmacist Grade, Field Assistant, Driver, School Assistant, Range Forest Officer, Lecturer, Staff Nurse Grade II, etc. openings are also advised to visit the website, regularly to know the exact date of KPSC Exams 2020 along with the Kerala PSC Exam Hall Ticket Download 2020 facility etc. It is important for the registrant to submit the registration number and date of birth etc. in the Kerala PSC Exam Hall Ticket 2020 download facility provided at We will update about the Kerala PSC Exam Date, Hall Ticket Download facility and Answer Key, Result followed by cut off and final merit list etc. through this blog.
Kerala PSC Accounts Officer Admit Card 2020
Name of the recruiter: Kerala Public Service Commission
Concerned website:
Topic of Interest: Kerala PSC Accounts Officer Exam Admit Card 2020
Instructions to download the Kerala PSC Exam Call Letter 2020
Important dates
Exam date: Announced shortly
Admit Card date: Provided before 10 days of the exam