
ITI Apprentice Govt Jobs

ITI Apprentice Govt Jobs Recruitment Notifications Information on its latest career vacancies is available here. When ever a new ITI Apprentice job advertisement will released by any govt organization it wil lbe updated here with the details like online apply link, age, salary, qualification and last date apply.
OrganizationPostNameQualificationPostsAgePay ScaleLast Date To ApplyNotificationApplyAdvt No / Details
BEL - Bharat Electronics Limited Electrician .Electronic Mechanic .Fitter . ITI . 15 Max 21 8050 22-Sep-2023 Notification Apply
HAL - Hindustan Aeronautics Limited Carpenter .COPA .Diploma Apprentice . Bachelor of Business Administration BBA .Diploma in Engineering .Diploma in Hotel Management . 647 23-Aug-2023 Notification Apply HAL/T&D/ 1614/23-24/155
MPPGCL - Madhya Pradesh Power Generating Company Limited Electrician .Fitter .Instrument Mechanic . ITI in Electrician .ITI in Fitter .ITI in Instrument Mechanic . 36 18-Aug-2023 Notification Apply
RCI - Research Centre Imarat COPA .Diploma Apprentice .Electrician . BE / B Tech .Diploma in Engineering .ITI . 150 19-Jun-2023 Notification Apply
BVFCL - Brahmaputra Valley Fertilizer Corporation Limited Apprentice .Electronic Mechanic .Fitter . BE / B Tech .HSLC .ITI . 45 06-Jun-2023 Notification Apply
IUAC - Inter University Accelerator Centre Diploma Apprentice .Graduate Apprentice .ITI Apprentice . Bachelor Degree in Applied Geology .Bachelor Degree in Applied Physics .Bachelor Degree in Commerce . 15 31-Mar-2023 Notification Apply 01/2023
ALIMCO - Artificial Limbs Manufacturing Corporation of India Carpenter .COPA .Diploma Apprentice . 10th Class .12th Class .ITI . 89 03-Mar-2023 Notification Apply
AAI - Airports Authority of India Diploma Apprentice .Graduate Apprentice .ITI Apprentice . Degree .Diploma in Engineering .ITI . 125 04-Dec-2022 Notification
AAI - Airports Authority of India ITI Apprentice . ITI .ITI in COPA .ITI in Electrical . 44 07-Nov-2022 Notification
MPPGCL - Madhya Pradesh Power Generating Company Limited Diploma Apprentice .Graduate Apprentice .ITI Apprentice . B Com .B Sc .BA . 209 10-Oct-2022 Notification