
Junior Research Fellow Govt Jobs

Junior Research Fellow Govt Jobs Recruitment Notifications Information on its latest career vacancies is available here. When ever a new Junior Research Fellow job advertisement will released by any govt organization it wil lbe updated here with the details like online apply link, age, salary, qualification and last date apply.
OrganizationPostNameQualificationPostsAgePay ScaleLast Date To ApplyNotificationApplyAdvt No / Details
DRDO SAG - Scientific Analysis Group Junior Research Fellow . BE / B Tech .GATE Qualification .ME / M Tech . 19 Max 28 37000 18-Mar-2024 Notification
VRDE - Vehicles Research and Development Establishment Junior Research Fellow . BE / B Tech .GATE Qualification .ME / M Tech . 13 Max 28 37000 07-Mar-2024 Notification
CDRI - Central Drug Research Institute Junior Research Fellow .Project Assistant .Project Associate I . B Sc in Life Sciences .GATE Qualification .M Pharmacy . 16 Max 50 20000 - 56000 01-Mar-2024 Notification 01/2024
DIHAR - Defence Institute of High Altitude Research Junior Research Fellow .Research Associate . M Sc .M Tech .MVSc . 14 28 - 35 37000 - 67000 15-Feb-2024 Notification
BPSC - Bihar Public Service Commission Junior Laboratory Assistant .Junior Research Fellow . B Sc in Biochemistry .B Sc in Chemistry .B Sc in Environmental Science . 21 21 - 37 25500 - 37000 07-Feb-2024 Notification 34
IMSC - Institute of Mathematical Sciences Junior Research Fellow .Project Assistant .Project Technical Assistant . B Sc in Hotel Management and Catering Science .Bachelor Degree in Computer Applications .Bachelor Degree in Engineering . 17 Max 40 20000 - 85000 26-Jan-2024 Notification Apply 16-R/ IMSc/2023
CECRI - Central Electrochemical Research Institute Junior Research Fellow .Project Associate I .Senior Project Associate . BE / B Tech in Biomedical Engineering .BE / B Tech in BioTechnology .BE / B Tech in Chemical Engineering . 7 Max 45 25000 - 42000 08-Jan-2024 Notification Apply PS – 13/2023
CCMB - Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology Junior Research Fellow .Project Associate .Project Associate I . B Sc in Life Sciences .Bachelor Degree .Bachelor Degree in Engineering . 15 Max 50 67000 01-Jan-2024 Notification Apply 1223/A
CLRI - Central Leather Research Institute Junior Research Fellow .Project Associate I .Project Associate II . B Tech in Chemical Engineering .BE / B Tech in BioTechnology .BE / B Tech in Chemical Engineering . 10 18-Aug-2023 Notification Apply 09/2023
CIAB - Center of Innovative and Applied Bioprocessing Junior Research Fellow .Research Associate .Senior Research Fellow . BE / B Tech in Chemical Engineering .BE / B Tech in Food Science .BE / B Tech in Food Science Technology . 5 11-Aug-2023 Notification Apply CIAB/81/ 2023-Rectt
ICFRE - Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education Field Assistant .Junior Project Fellow .Junior Research Fellow . 12th Class .Bachelor Degree in Computer Science .Bachelor Degree in Information Technology . 15 11-Aug-2023 Notification Apply
DRDL - Defence Research and Development Laboratory Junior Research Fellow . BE / B Tech in Aeronautical Engineering .BE / B Tech in Electrical and Electronics Engineering .BE / B Tech in Mechanical Engineering . 10 10-Aug-2023 Notification Apply
INMAS - Institute of Nuclear Medicine and Allied Sciences Junior Research Fellow .Research Associate . GATE Qualification .M Pharmacy .M Sc in Biotechnology . 6 07-Aug-2023 Notification Apply
DRDO ASL - Advanced Systems Laboratory Junior Research Fellow . BE / B Tech in Electrical and Electronics Engineering .BE / B Tech in Mechanical Engineering .ME / M Tech in Electrical and Electronics Engineering . 13 14-Jul-2023 Notification Apply ASL/HRDG/ 2023/JRF/01
CLRI - Central Leather Research Institute Junior Research Fellow .Project Assistant .Project Associate I . B Sc in Computers .B Sc in Information Technology .Bachelor of Computer Application BCA . 37 13-Jul-2023 Notification Apply 05/2023
IGCAR - Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research Junior Research Fellow . BE / B Tech .M Sc .ME / M Tech . 100 16-Jun-2023 Notification Apply IGCAR/02/2023
DRDE - Defence Research and Development Establishment Junior Research Fellow . GATE Qualification .M Sc in Biological Sciences .M Sc in Biotechnology . 10 14-Jun-2023 Notification Apply
VECC - Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre Junior Research Fellow . B Sc in Physics .M Sc in Physics .NET Qualification . 5 26-May-2023 Notification Apply VECC-2/2023
CCRH - Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy Junior Research Fellow . Degree in Homeopathy . 8 25-May-2023 Notification Apply 64/2022-23
DIBER - Defence Institute of Bio Energy Research Junior Research Fellow .Research Associate . BE / B Tech .GATE Qualification .Graduation in Electrical Engineering . 3 25-May-2023 Notification Apply
IGNTU - Indira Gandhi National Tribal University Junior Research Fellow .Project Associate . GATE Qualification .Master Degree in BioChemistry .Master Degree in Biotechnology . 1 22-May-2023 Notification Apply
IGNTU - Indira Gandhi National Tribal University Junior Research Fellow . GATE Qualification .Master Degree in BioChemistry .Master Degree in Biotechnology . 1 22-May-2023 Notification Apply
CIRCOT - Central Institute for Research on Cotton Technology Junior Research Fellow . BE / B Tech .GATE Qualification .M Sc in BioChemistry . 1 22-May-2023 Notification Apply 1-3(4)/CIRCOT/ Admin-I/ 2020-23
CCRH - Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy Junior Research Fellow .Program Assistant . Degree in Homeopathy . 5 19-May-2023 Notification Apply 61/2022-23
NIMHANS - National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences Junior Research Fellow . M Phil in Social Work .Master Degree in Social Work . 3 12-May-2023 Notification Apply
CCRH - Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy Junior Research Fellow .Research Associate . GATE Qualification .M Sc in Botany .M Sc in Plant Molecular Biology . 4 11-May-2023 Notification Apply 63/2023-24
NABI - National Agri Food Biotechnology Institute Junior Research Fellow .Research Associate .Senior Research Fellow . GATE Qualification .NET Qualification .Ph D in BioChemistry . 6 08-May-2023 Notification Apply NABI/Admin /5(09)/2022-23/ ACAD-03
IIITDMJ - Indian Institute of Information Technology Design and Manufacturing Jabalpur Junior Research Fellow . BE / B Tech .ME / M Tech . 1 08-May-2023 Notification Apply
IVRI - Indian Veterinary Research Institute Junior Research Fellow . GATE Qualification .NET Qualification .Post Graduation in Animal Sciences . 1 07-May-2023 Notification Apply
DOGR - Directorate of Onion and Garlic Research Junior Research Fellow . M Sc in Agriculture .M Sc in BioChemistry .M Sc in Biotechnology . 6 06-May-2023 Notification DOGR/04 (02)2023
IGKV - Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya Junior Research Fellow . M Sc in Agriculture .M Sc in Biotechnology .M Sc in Horticulture . 05-May-2023 Notification Apply
NITC - National Institute of Technology Calicut Junior Research Fellow . GATE Qualification .M Sc in Physics .M Tech in Material Science . 1 01-May-2023 Notification Apply
CMET - Centre For Materials For Electronics Technology Junior Research Fellow . BE / B Tech in Chemical Engineering .BE / B Tech in Metallurgical Engineering .M Sc in Chemistry . 3 01-May-2023 Notification Apply 12/2023
VNIT - Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology Junior Research Fellow . BE / B Tech in Electronics and Communication Engineering .GATE Qualification .ME / M Tech in Electronics and Communication Engineering . 1 30-Apr-2023 Notification Apply
VNIT - Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology Junior Research Fellow . BE / B Tech in Electronics and Communication Engineering .GATE Qualification .ME / M Tech in Electronics and Communication Engineering . 1 30-Apr-2023 Notification Apply
IITH - Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad Junior Research Fellow . B Tech in Metallurgical Engineering .GATE Qualification .ME / M Tech in Metallurgical Engineering . 1 25-Apr-2023 Notification Apply
CIMAP - Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Junior Research Fellow .Project Associate I . GATE Qualification .M Pharmacy .M Sc in Chemistry . 1 25-Apr-2023 Notification Apply PA/JRF- April 2023
IIHR - Indian Institute of Horticultural Research Field Assistant .Junior Research Fellow .Research Associate . Bachelor Degree in Agriculture .Bachelor Degree in Horticulture .Bachelor Degree in Life Sciences . 15 24-Apr-2023 Notification Apply 02/2023/ ESTT – II
IIGM - Indian Institute of Geomagnetism Junior Research Fellow .Senior Research Fellow . B Sc .GATE Qualification .M Sc in Applied Geology . 25 20-Apr-2023 Notification 01/IIG/HRD/2023
IIMR - Indian Institute of Maize Research Junior Research Fellow . Post Graduation . 1 20-Apr-2023 Notification
IISERB - Indian Institutes of Science Education and Research Bhopal Junior Research Fellow . BE / B Tech .GATE Qualification .M Sc . 1 15-Apr-2023 Notification
VNIT - Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology Junior Research Fellow . GATE Qualification .M Sc in Physics .NET Qualification . 1 15-Apr-2023 Notification Apply
CMFRI - Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute Junior Research Fellow . M Sc .NET Qualification .Post Graduation in Marine Science . 1 13-Apr-2023 Notification Apply
NABI - National Agri Food Biotechnology Institute Junior Research Fellow .Research Associate . GATE Qualification .M Pharmacy .Master of Dental Surgery MDS . 4 11-Apr-2023 Notification NABI/Admin/ 5(09)/2022-23/ ACAD-02
BSIP - Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeosciences Junior Research Fellow . GATE Qualification .NET Qualification .Post Graduation in Chemistry . 1 11-Apr-2023 Notification Apply
VNIT - Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology Junior Research Fellow . BE / B Tech in Electronics and Communication Engineering .GATE Qualification .ME / M Tech in Electronics and Communication Engineering . 1 10-Apr-2023 Notification Apply
NRSC - National Remote Sensing Centre Junior Research Fellow .Project Associate I .Project Scientist I . B Sc in Agriculture .B Sc in Life Sciences .B Sc in Physics . 34 07-Apr-2023 Notification Apply NRSC-RMT-1-2023
AIIMS Rishikesh - All India Institute of Medical Sciences Rishikesh Junior Research Fellow . GATE Qualification .M Sc in Bioinformatics .M Sc in Biotechnology . 03-Apr-2023 Notification
IISERB - Indian Institutes of Science Education and Research Bhopal Junior Research Fellow .Project Assistant .Project Associate . B Sc in Physics .M Sc in Physics . 1 03-Apr-2023 Notification
CLRI - Central Leather Research Institute Junior Research Fellow .Project Assistant .Project Associate I . B Tech in BioTechnology .B Tech in Leather Technology .BE / B Tech . 15 29-Mar-2023 Notification Apply 02/2023
IISERB - Indian Institutes of Science Education and Research Bhopal Junior Research Fellow . GATE Qualification .M Sc .M Tech . 1 25-Mar-2023 Notification
PRSC - Punjab Remote Sensing Centre Junior Research Fellow .Project Fellow . Bachelor Degree in Engineering .Bachelor Degree in Geology .Bachelor Degree in Science . 12 25-Mar-2023 Notification Apply 4/2023
CDRI - Central Drug Research Institute Junior Research Fellow .Project Assistant .Project Associate I . GATE Qualification .Graduation in Science .M Pharmacy . 14 14-Mar-2023 Notification Apply 01/2023
IISERPUNE - Indian Institutes of Science Education and Research Pune Junior Research Fellow . GATE Qualification .M Sc in Biological Sciences .M Sc in Chemistry . 1 10-Mar-2023 Notification 09/2023
CEERI - Central Electronics Engineering Research Institute Junior Research Fellow .Project Associate I .Project Associate II . BE / B Tech .GATE Qualification .ME / M Tech . 11 02-Mar-2023 Notification Apply PF-02/2023
IIFM - Indian Institute of Forest Management Junior Research Fellow . Master Degree in Environmental Management .Master Degree in Environmental Science .Master Degree in Forest Management . 1 26-Feb-2023 Notification Apply IIFM/PERS/ A-69 (05)/ 2023
Cotton University Junior Research Fellow .Lab Technician . M Sc in Bioinformatics .M Sc in Biotechnology .M Tech . 2 24-Feb-2023 Notification Apply Recruitment/ CU/2023/07
CARI - Central Ayurveda Research Institute Junior Research Fellow .Programme Assistant .Radiographer . Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery BAMS .M Pharmacy .M Sc in Food Science and Nutrition . 7 15-Feb-2023 Notification Apply 02/2023
NPL - National Physical Laboratory Junior Research Fellow .Research Associate I .Research Associate II . Ph D in Electrical engineering .Ph D in Physics . 5 07-Feb-2023 Notification Apply Rectt.01/2023
PRSC - Punjab Remote Sensing Centre Junior Research Fellow .Project Fellow . BE / B Tech in Computer Science .BE / B Tech in Information Technology .Master Degree in Computer Science . 3 30-Jan-2023 Notification Apply 2/2023
PRSC - Punjab Remote Sensing Centre Junior Research Fellow .Project Associate I . Bachelor Degree in Engineering .GATE Qualification .Master Degree in Remote Sensing and GIS . 12 23-Jan-2023 Notification Apply 1/2023
SAC - Space Applications Centre Junior Research Fellow .Project Associate I .Research Assistant . Bachelor Degree .BE / B Tech .GATE Qualification . 33 08-Jan-2023 Notification Apply SAC:01:2022
AFRI - Arid Forest Research Institute Junior Project Fellow .Junior Research Fellow . B Sc in Botany .M Sc in Botany .M Sc in Environmental Science . 26 06-Jan-2023 Notification Apply
VNIT - Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology Junior Research Fellow . GATE Qualification .M Sc in Physics .M Tech in Nanoelectronics . 1 30-Dec-2022 Notification
VNIT - Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology Junior Research Fellow . GATE Qualification .M Sc in Physics .NET Qualification . 1 30-Dec-2022 Notification
IIEST - Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology Junior Research Fellow .Technical Assistant . Diploma in Material Engineering .Diploma in Mechanical Engineering .Diploma in Metallurgical Engineering . 3 23-Dec-2022 Notification MT 1798
TFRI - Tropical Forest Research Institute Junior Project Fellow .Junior Research Fellow .Project Assistant . B Sc in Agriculture .B Sc in Botany .B Sc in Entomology . 11 20-Dec-2022 Notification
NITC - National Institute of Technology Calicut Junior Research Fellow . GATE Qualification .M Sc in Mathematics .NET Qualification . 15-Dec-2022 Notification
CCRH - Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy Junior Research Fellow . Degree in Homoeopathy . 10 12-Dec-2022 Notification
NESAC - North Eastern Space Applications Centre Junior Research Fellow .Research Scientist . B Sc in Geology .BE / B Tech in Agricultural Engineering .BE / B Tech in Civil Engineering . 19 30-Nov-2022 Notification NESAC/RMT-TEMP/02/2022
DLRL - Defence Electronics Research Laboratory Junior Research Fellow . BE / B Tech in Computer Science .BE / B Tech in Electronics and Communication Engineering .BE / B Tech in Mechanical Engineering . 12 26-Nov-2022 Notification
ICFRE - Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education Junior Assistant .Junior Project Fellow .Junior Research Fellow . B Sc in BioTechnology .M Sc .M Sc in Botany . 12 16-Nov-2022 Notification
DIBER - Defence Institute of Bio Energy Research Junior Research Fellow . BE / B Tech .Degree in Electrical Engineering .Degree in Instrumentation Engineering . 9 15-Nov-2022 Notification
IITH - Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad Junior Research Fellow . M Pharmacy .M Sc in Biotechnology .M Sc in Life Sciences . 1 11-Nov-2022 Notification Apply
SGPGIMS - Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences Junior Research Fellow . M Sc in Life Sciences .Post Graduation . 1 10-Nov-2022 Notification
NCPOR - National Centre for Polar and Ocean Research Junior Research Fellow . BE / B Tech in Electrical Engineering .GATE Qualification .M Sc in Atmospheric Science . 2 10-Nov-2022 Notification
IITH - Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad Junior Research Fellow . ME / M Tech in Environment Engineering .ME / M Tech in Water Resource Engineering . 1 06-Nov-2022 Notification
IITH - Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad Junior Research Fellow . GATE Qualification .NET Qualification .Post Graduation in Psychology . 06-Nov-2022 Notification
IITH - Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad Junior Research Fellow .Research Associate . GATE Qualification .M Sc .M Tech in Nanoelectronics . 05-Nov-2022 Notification
DRDE - Defence Research and Development Establishment Junior Research Fellow .Research Associate . GATE Qualification .M Sc in Biological Sciences .M Sc in Chemistry . 2 03-Nov-2022 Notification
NABI - National Agri Food Biotechnology Institute Junior Research Fellow .Research Associate I .Senior Research Fellow . GATE Qualification .ME / M Tech .ME / M Tech in Chemical Engineering . 5 02-Nov-2022 Notification NABI/5(01)/ 2011-22-15-Res
IISERKOL - Indian Institutes of Science Education and Research Kolkata Junior Research Fellow . GATE Qualification .M Sc .NET Qualification . 1 31-Oct-2022 Notification
IISERKOL - Indian Institutes of Science Education and Research Kolkata Junior Research Fellow . GATE Qualification .M Sc in Chemistry .NET Qualification . 1 30-Oct-2022 Notification
CAZRI - Central Arid Zone Research Institute Junior Research Fellow . BE / B Tech in Food Science .M Sc in Food Science and Nutrition . 1 28-Oct-2022 Notification
NGRI - National Geophysical Research Institute Junior Research Fellow .Project Assistant .Project Associate I . B Sc in Computers .Bachelor of Computer Application BCA .BE / B Tech . 23 26-Oct-2022 Notification Apply 08/2022
AIIMS Rishikesh - All India Institute of Medical Sciences Rishikesh Junior Research Fellow . Graduation in Life Sciences .MBBS . 1 21-Oct-2022 Notification Apply
CVRDE - Combat Vehicles Research and Development Establishment Junior Research Fellow . BE / B Tech .GATE Qualification .Graduation . 17 14-Oct-2022 Notification
Anna University Junior Research Fellow . GATE Qualification .ME / M Tech in Manufacturing Technology .ME / M Tech in Metallurgical Engineering . 1 06-Oct-2022 Notification
BAU - Bihar Agricultural University Junior Research Fellow . GATE Qualification .M Sc in Biotechnology .M Sc in Entomology . 1 27-Sep-2022 Notification
CSTRI - Central Silk Technological Research Institute Junior Research Fellow .Project Assistant . B Tech in Textile Engineering .Diploma in Textile Engineering .GATE Qualification . 2 30-Aug-2022 Notification
NPL - National Physical Laboratory Junior Research Fellow .project assistant I .Research Associate I . B Sc .GATE Qualification .M Sc in Chemistry . 6 30-Aug-2022 Notification Apply Rectt./04/2022
CPCB - Central Pollution Control Board Junior Research Fellow . BE / B Tech in Chemical Engineering .BE / B Tech in Environmental Engineering .GATE Qualification . 3 29-Aug-2022 Notification
NIFT - National Institute of Fashion Technology Junior Research Fellow . BE / B Tech in Textile Engineering .ME / M Tech in Textile Engineering . 1 26-Aug-2022 Notification
AFRI - Arid Forest Research Institute Junior Research Fellow . GATE Qualification .NET Qualification .Post Graduation in Biotechnology . 1 16-Aug-2022 Notification
CBMR - Centre of Biomedical Research Junior Research Fellow .Project Associate I . Bachelor Degree in Engineering .GATE Qualification .Graduation . 5 15-Aug-2022 Notification
CMERI - Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute Junior Research Fellow . BE / B Tech .GATE Qualification . 5 12-Aug-2022 Notification Apply walk in 12-08-2022
VSSC - Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre Junior Research Fellow . GATE Qualification .JEST Qualification .M Sc in Applied Physics . 17 08-Aug-2022 Notification VSSC – 320
ARI PUNE - Agharkar Research Institute Pune Junior Research Fellow .Project Assistant . B Sc .Diploma in Engineering And Technology .Master Degree in Biological Science . 2 01-Aug-2022 Notification
MAFSU - Maharashtra Animal and Fishery Sciences University Junior Research Fellow .Laboratory Attendant . 10th Class .M Sc in Life Sciences .NET Qualification . 2 29-Jul-2022 Notification
VECC - Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre Junior Research Fellow . M Sc in Physics .NET Qualification . 17 03-Jul-2022 Notification Apply VECC-3/2022