
Project Fellow Govt Jobs

Project Fellow Govt Jobs Recruitment Notifications Information on its latest career vacancies is available here. When ever a new Project Fellow job advertisement will released by any govt organization it wil lbe updated here with the details like online apply link, age, salary, qualification and last date apply.
OrganizationPostNameQualificationPostsAgePay ScaleLast Date To ApplyNotificationApplyAdvt No / Details
NECTAR - North East Centre for Technology Application and Reach Driver .Field Supervisor .Finance and Admin Assistant . B Com .B Sc in Agriculture .B Sc in BioTechnology . 81 23-Apr-2023 Notification Apply
Alagappa University Project Fellow . M Sc in Chemistry .M Sc in Nano Science .Post Graduation . 15 11-Apr-2023 Notification Apply
RPRC - Regional Plant Resource Centre Field cum Laboratory Assistant .Lab Assistant .Lab cum Field Assistant . B Sc in Botany .B Sc in Life Sciences .M Pharmacy . 37 09-Apr-2023 Notification Apply 397 /RPRC
PRSC - Punjab Remote Sensing Centre Junior Research Fellow .Project Fellow . Bachelor Degree in Engineering .Bachelor Degree in Geology .Bachelor Degree in Science . 12 25-Mar-2023 Notification Apply 4/2023
PRSC - Punjab Remote Sensing Centre Junior Research Fellow .Project Fellow . BE / B Tech in Computer Science .BE / B Tech in Information Technology .Master Degree in Computer Science . 3 30-Jan-2023 Notification Apply 2/2023
KFRI - Kerala Forest Research Institute Project Fellow .Supporting Staff . M Sc in Botany . 2 16-Aug-2022 Notification
NABI - National Agri Food Biotechnology Institute Junior Research Fellow .Project Associate I .Project Fellow . B Sc in Agriculture Biotechnology .B Tech in BioTechnology .GATE Qualification . 9 25-Apr-2022 Notification