
Technician B Govt Jobs

Technician B Govt Jobs Recruitment Notifications Information on its latest career vacancies is available here. When ever a new Technician B job advertisement will released by any govt organization it wil lbe updated here with the details like online apply link, age, salary, qualification and last date apply.
OrganizationPostNameQualificationPostsAgePay ScaleLast Date To ApplyNotificationApplyAdvt No / Details
URSC - U R Rao Satellite Centre Cook .Draughtsman .Engineer . 10th Class .B Sc .B Sc in Chemistry . 224 18 - 35 19900 - 56100 01-Mar-2024 Notification Apply URSC: ISTRAC: 01:2024
NISER Bhubaneswar - National Institute of Science Education and Research Bhubaneswar Scientific Assistant B .Scientific Assistant C .Technician B . 10th Class .12th Class .B Sc . 19 29-May-2023 Notification Apply NISER/RC/ 2023/NA/01
AMD - Atomic Minerals Directorate Driver .Scientific Assistant B .Security Guard . 10th Class .B Sc in Chemistry .B Sc in Computers . 124 24-Oct-2021 Notification Apply AMD-3/2021