
Bachelor Degree in Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering Govt Jobs

Bachelor Degree in Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering Govt Jobs Recruitment Notifications information on its latest career vacancies is available here. When ever a new govt jobs advertisement is released for Bachelor Degree in Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering qualification by any govt organization it will be updated here with the details like online apply link, age, salary, post names and last date apply.
OrganizationPostNameQualificationPostsAgePay ScaleLast Date To ApplyNotificationApplyAdvt No / Details
RITES - Rail India Technical and Economic Service Assistant Manager Civil .Assistant Manager Electrical .Assistant Manager . Bachelor Degree in Business Economics .Bachelor Degree in Civil Engineering .Bachelor Degree in Economics . 12 Max 32 40000 - 140000 17-Jan-2024 Notification
RITES - Rail India Technical and Economic Service Construction Manager .Draftsman .Field Quality Control Engineer . Bachelor Degree in Civil Engineering .Bachelor Degree in Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering .Bachelor Degree in Electronics Engineering . 62 03-Aug-2023 Notification Apply
RITES - Rail India Technical and Economic Service Construction Manager .Draftsman .Field Quality Control Engineer . Bachelor Degree in Civil Engineering .Bachelor Degree in Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering .Bachelor Degree in Electronics Engineering . 129 30-Jun-2023 Notification Apply
HCL - Hindustan Copper Limited Assistant General Manager .Deputy General Manager DGM .Deputy Manager . B Com .B Sc .BA . 28 22-May-2023 Notification Apply Estt./1/2017/ 2023-24
HCL - Hindustan Copper Limited Deputy Manager .Graduate Engineer Trainee .Management Trainee . Bachelor Degree in Arts .Bachelor Degree in Chemical Engineering .Bachelor Degree in Civil Engineering . 14 28-Feb-2023 Notification Apply
STPI - Software Technology Parks of India Admin Executive .Lab Engineer . Bachelor Degree in Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering .Graduation .Post Graduation in Management . 5 02-Nov-2022 Notification Apply