
Bachelor Degree in Social Sciences Govt Jobs

Bachelor Degree in Social Sciences Govt Jobs Recruitment Notifications information on its latest career vacancies is available here. When ever a new govt jobs advertisement is released for Bachelor Degree in Social Sciences qualification by any govt organization it will be updated here with the details like online apply link, age, salary, post names and last date apply.
OrganizationPostNameQualificationPostsAgePay ScaleLast Date To ApplyNotificationApplyAdvt No / Details
WCD AP - Women Development and Child Welfare Andhra Pradesh Case Worker .Central Administrator .Cook . Bachelor Degree in Law .Bachelor Degree in Psychology .Bachelor Degree in Social Sciences . 13 21 - 42 13000 - 34000 06-Apr-2024 Notification 20292
WCD AP - Women Development and Child Welfare Andhra Pradesh Case Worker .Central Administrator .Multi Purpose Staff . Bachelor Degree in Law .Bachelor Degree in Psychology .Bachelor Degree in Social Sciences . 13 18 - 42 13000 - 34000 17-Feb-2024 Notification
WCD AP - Women Development and Child Welfare Andhra Pradesh Case Worker .Central Administrator .Multi Purpose Staff . Bachelor Degree in Law .Bachelor Degree in Psychology .Bachelor Degree in Social Sciences . 13 21 - 42 13000 - 34000 15-Feb-2024 Notification
IIPS - International Institute for Population Sciences Field Investigator .Junior Research Officer .Research Officer . Bachelor Degree in Social Sciences .Graduation .Master Degree in Biostatistics . 76 21000 - 60000 15-Feb-2024 Notification Apply
District Singhbhum West Block Data Manager .Counsellor .Data Entry Operator . 10th Class .12th Class .Bachelor Degree in Nursing . 83 28-Jul-2023 Notification Apply 01/2023(DHS)
RITES - Rail India Technical and Economic Service Accountant .Assistant Environmental Expert .Assistant Safety and Health Expert . Bachelor Degree in Environmental Engineering .Bachelor Degree in Social Sciences .Degree . 39 05-May-2023 Notification Apply PES/9/6/ HORC/2023
IGNTU - Indira Gandhi National Tribal University Assistant .Driver .Farm Manager . 10th Class .Bachelor Degree .Bachelor Degree in Agriculture . 5 31-Dec-2022 Notification Apply
Govt of Puducherry Department of Personnel and Administrative Reforms Planning Assistant . Bachelor Degree in Commerce .Bachelor Degree in Computer Science .Bachelor Degree in Economics . 4 22-Dec-2022 Notification