
Bachelor of Social Work BSW Govt Jobs

Bachelor of Social Work BSW Govt Jobs Recruitment Notifications information on its latest career vacancies is available here. When ever a new govt jobs advertisement is released for Bachelor of Social Work BSW qualification by any govt organization it will be updated here with the details like online apply link, age, salary, post names and last date apply.
OrganizationPostNameQualificationPostsAgePay ScaleLast Date To ApplyNotificationApplyAdvt No / Details
NMDC - National Mineral Development Corporation Block Coordinator .District Coordinator .Office Manager . Bachelor Degree .Bachelor of Social Work BSW .CA . 16 Max 38 25000 - 200000 31-Jan-2024 Notification Apply 01/2024
MECL - Mineral Exploration Corporation Limited Accountant .Assistant Accounts .Assistant . 10th Class .B Com .B Sc . 53 20-Sep-2023 Notification Apply 02/Rectt./2023
ACTREC - Advanced Centre for Treatment Research and Education in Cancer Field Supervisor . Bachelor of Social Work BSW .Graduation .Master of Social Work MSW . 8 17-Aug-2023 Notification Apply CCE/Advt/ 840/2023
IKDRC - Institute of Kidney Diseases and Research Centre Assistant Sanitary Inspector .Dietician .Health Educator . 12th Class .Bachelor Degree in Psychology .Bachelor Degree in Statistics . 70 16-May-2023 Notification Apply 06/2023 IKDRC
CBI - Central Bank of India Office Assistant . B Com .BA .Bachelor of Social Work BSW . 15-Dec-2022 Notification
CBI - Central Bank of India Office Assistant . B Com .BA .Bachelor of Social Work BSW . 15-Nov-2022 Notification
CBI - Central Bank of India Faculty .Office Assistant . B Com .B Sc in Agriculture .BA . 11-Nov-2022 Notification
IOB - Indian Overseas Bank Attender .Faculty .Office Assistant . 10th Class .B Com .B Sc in Agriculture . 21 11-Nov-2022 Notification
CBI - Central Bank of India Office Assistant . BA .Bachelor of Social Work BSW . 29-Oct-2022 Notification
KMRL - Kochi Metro Rail Limited Assistant HR and Admin . BA in Social Work .Bachelor Degree in Human Resource Management .Bachelor of Business Administration BBA . 2 28-Sep-2022 Notification
CBI - Central Bank of India Faculty .Office Assistant . B Com .B Sc in Agriculture .BA . 26-Sep-2022 Notification