
MVSc Govt Jobs

MVSc Govt Jobs Recruitment Notifications information on its latest career vacancies is available here. When ever a new govt jobs advertisement is released for MVSc qualification by any govt organization it will be updated here with the details like online apply link, age, salary, post names and last date apply.
OrganizationPostNameQualificationPostsAgePay ScaleLast Date To ApplyNotificationApplyAdvt No / Details
DIHAR - Defence Institute of High Altitude Research Junior Research Fellow .Research Associate . M Sc .M Tech .MVSc . 14 28 - 35 37000 - 67000 15-Feb-2024 Notification
RAJUVAS - Rajasthan University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences Assistant Librarian .Assistant Professor .Subject Matter Specialist . Master Degree .Master Degree in Dairy Chemistry .Master Degree in Disaster Management . 82 31-Jan-2024 Notification RAJUVAS-01 -2024
AIIMS Delhi -  All India Institute of Medical Sciences Delhi Artist .Assistant Administrative Officer .Assistant Dietician . 10th Class .12th Class .B Sc in Life Sciences . 3036 18 - 45 01-Dec-2023 Notification Apply 239/2023
BRLPS - Bihar Rural Livelihood Promotion Society Consultant .Consultant MIS . B Tech in Computer Science .B Tech in Information Technology .CA . 161 25-Jul-2023 Notification Apply
CLRI - Central Leather Research Institute Junior Research Fellow .Project Assistant .Project Associate I . B Sc in Computers .B Sc in Information Technology .Bachelor of Computer Application BCA . 37 13-Jul-2023 Notification Apply 05/2023
GADVASU - Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University Animal Attendant .Assistant Accounts Officer .Assistant Director . 12th Class .Bachelor of Veterinary Science BVSc .Diploma in Operation Theatre Technology . 149 02-Jun-2023 Notification Apply 01/2023
CCRAS - Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences Domain Expert . Bachelor Degree in Engineering .M Pharmacy .M Sc in Medicinal Plants . 10 18-May-2023 Notification Apply 03/2023
NIScPR - National Institute Of Science Communication and Policy Research Project Assistant .Project Associate I .Project Associate II . B Sc .Bachelor Degree in Engineering .Diploma in Engineering And Technology . 39 17-May-2023 Notification Apply
CDFD - Centre for DNA Fingerprinting and Diagnostics Project Associate II .Project Scientist II .Research Associate I . Bachelor Degree in Engineering .Doctoral Degree in Science .GATE Qualification . 15-May-2023 Notification Apply CDFD/EMPC/ 01/MAY23
CSIR - Council of Scientific and Industrial Research Project Associate I .Project Associate II .Senior Project Associate . Bachelor Degree in Engineering .Master Degree in Agriculture .Master Degree in Natural Science . 3 08-May-2023 Notification Apply HRDC/SDP/ 01/2021
CAU - Central Agricultural University Agro Associate .Field Coordinator .Field Manager . 12th Class .B Sc in Agriculture .B Sc in Horticulture . 3 01-May-2023 Notification
IGIB - Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology Principal Project Associate .Project Assistant .Project Associate I . Bachelor Degree in Engineering .Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery BAMS .GATE Qualification . 20 16-Apr-2023 Notification Apply
NABI - National Agri Food Biotechnology Institute Junior Research Fellow .Research Associate . GATE Qualification .M Pharmacy .Master of Dental Surgery MDS . 4 11-Apr-2023 Notification NABI/Admin/ 5(09)/2022-23/ ACAD-02
CLRI - Central Leather Research Institute Junior Research Fellow .Project Assistant .Project Associate I . B Tech in BioTechnology .B Tech in Leather Technology .BE / B Tech . 15 29-Mar-2023 Notification Apply 02/2023
VMMC SJH - Vardhman Mahavir Medical College Safdarjang Hospital Laboratory Technician .Senior Research Fellow . 12th Class .B Sc .Bachelor of Dental Surgery BDS . 2 23-Mar-2023 Notification Apply
NIREH - National Institute for Research in Environmental Health Project Assistant .Scientist D .Senior Research Fellow . Bachelor of Dental Surgery BDS .Bachelor of Veterinary Science BVSc .Graduation in Science . 3 31-Jan-2023 Notification Apply NIREH/HR/ 2023/01
IISERKOL - Indian Institutes of Science Education and Research Kolkata Project Associate I . Bachelor Degree in Engineering .Master Degree in Agricultural Sciences .Master Degree in Natural Science . 1 10-Nov-2022 Notification
RMRC - Regional Medical Research Centre Data Entry Operator .Field Worker .Laboratory Technician . 12th Class .Bachelor of Dental Surgery BDS .Bachelor of Veterinary Science BVSc . 26 09-Nov-2022 Notification
NABI - National Agri Food Biotechnology Institute project assistant I .Research Associate I . B Tech in Biochemistry .B Tech in BioTechnology .M Pharmacy . 3 30-Sep-2022 Notification NABI/5(01)/ 2011-22-14-Res
NABI - National Agri Food Biotechnology Institute Assistant Engineer .Management Assistant .Senior Private Secretary . B Pharmacy .Bachelor of Veterinary Science BVSc .BE / B Tech . 9 26-Sep-2022 Notification Apply NABI/ADMIN/ 1(001)/2022-23-01 /Rectt
CBMR - Centre of Biomedical Research Junior Research Fellow .Project Associate I . Bachelor Degree in Engineering .GATE Qualification .Graduation . 5 15-Aug-2022 Notification
PJTSAU - Professor Jayashankar Telangana State Agricultural University Part Time Teacher . M Sc .M Sc in Plant Biochemistry .MVSc . 2 06-Aug-2022 Notification
CCMB - Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology Field Assistant .Project Associate I .Project Associate II . B Sc .B Sc in Life Sciences .Bachelor Degree in Engineering . 24 20-Jul-2022 Notification
NABI - National Agri Food Biotechnology Institute Junior Research Fellow .Project Associate I .Project Fellow . B Sc in Agriculture Biotechnology .B Tech in BioTechnology .GATE Qualification . 9 25-Apr-2022 Notification
IARI - -Indian Agricultural Research Institute Helper .Junior Research Fellow .Project Associate I . GATE Qualification .Master Degree in Agricultural Sciences .Master Degree in Genetics . 6 21-Apr-2022 Notification
NCBS - National Centre for Biological Sciences Administrative Officer C .Scientific Assistant B .Scientific Officer C . Bachelor of Veterinary Science BVSc .BE / B Tech .Degree in Life Sciences . 5 15-Apr-2022 Notification Apply
IICB - Indian Institute of Chemical Biology Scientist .Senior Scientist . MVSc .Ph D . 9 18-Feb-2022 Notification Apply
CRPF - Central Reserve Police Force Veterinary Doctor . Bachelor Degree in Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry .Bachelor of Veterinary Science BVSc .MVSc . 1 28-Jan-2022 Notification
CRPF - Central Reserve Police Force Veterinary Doctor . Bachelor Degree in Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry .Bachelor of Veterinary Science BVSc .MVSc . 2 28-Jan-2022 Notification
SERB - Science and Engineering Research Board Field Assistant .Field Worker .Laboratory Assistant . B Sc .Bachelor Degree in Engineering .Diploma in Engineering And Technology . 10-Jul-2020 Notification Apply